What people are saying:

"This was an excellent workshop.  I wish my husband would have attended, also.  Much more info is provided than just how to do a lifebook.  Beth provided insight into the feelings of an adopted chidl."  Lisa Ehlert, almost a new Mom, Ohio 1/18/03.

“Your workshop was without a doubt the best I'd been to about presenting adoption issues - even if it did scare the hell out of me.” Carol Culbreath, President of Washington DC Families with Children from China March 2002

“ Powerful and helpful” Open Door Conference 2001

“ I’ve seen other lifebook trainings and this was the best”

“Keep telling your story--- it will help many children”

“Hearing her personal story made it ‘real’ how important lifebooks are”

“ Just wish we could have stayed longer”

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PO Box 520178
Winthrop, Ma. 02152

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Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.