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Beth O’Malley M.Ed presents lifebook trainings & workshops in New England and nationwide.
Call 1 800 469-9666 and ask to speak with Beth O’Malley for details or email her at

This is what people are saying: 

“ Your workshop was without a doubt the best I'd been to about presenting adoption issues - even if it did scare the hell out of me.” 
Carol Culbreath, President of  Washington DC Families with Children from China  March 2002
“ Powerful and helpful”  Open Door Conference 2001
“ I’ve seen other lifebook trainings and this was the best”
“Keep telling your story--- it will help many children”
“Hearing her personal story made it ‘real’ how important lifebooks are”
“ Just wish we could have stayed longer”

2002 Trainings/Conferences:

January 31, 2002
Massachusetts Department of Social Services
Van Wort Center, Springfield Mass.9: 30am to 12:30
‘Lifebooks: The Best Paperwork You Will Ever Do”

February 16th 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Saturday

Canton. Mass
Sponsored by Adoptive Families Together

March 15, 2002
Southern New England’s 10th Annual Adoption Conference
Professional Day Friday

Sponsored by Adoption Rhode Island
“LifeBooks” The Best Paperwork You will ever do”
AM workshop 1/1/2 hours for adoption social workers and professionals, book signing during lunch!

March 23, 2002
Washington DC 9:30- 11:30AM
Sponsored by Adoption Center of Washington

April 6th 2002 Saturday
ODS Adoption Community of New England Conference
Holliston, Mass.
Workshops and book signings!

April 26, 9:00- 4:00PM
Portland, Maine
LifeBooks…LifeLines…LifeStories:Linking the Past, present and Future

A presentation of the Cross Agency Collaborative
Casey Family Services- Kidspeace- ME.Caring Families- SMART-

Woodford’s Family Services- Youth Alternatives, Inc.

May 4, 2002 10-12:00 noon, Saturday
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Location: Families First Building ( behind Water Country)
Sponsored by Families First &Adoptive Families Together
The seesion is free but you must pre-register. Please contact :
Families First at 603 422-8208 press option #2
Childcare available with one week notice, same number

May 9-11th  Adoption 2002: Linking Promises to Possibilities
13th Annual Statewide Adoption Training Conference
Albany, New York
Sponsored by New York State Citizens Coalition for Children
607 272-0034

May 18th Wide Horizons
Waltham, Mass
China Children’s Day
Book signings and table

May 29th Wednesday 7:30-9:00PM
The Adoption Revolution: Then and Now
Adam Pertman and Beth O’Malley stage a unique event….
Newtonville Books 296 Washington St. Newton MA
call 617 244-6619 for details

Adam Pertman,the Pulitzer-nominated author of Adoption Nation: "How the Adoption Revolutions is Transforming America"
wich was named Book of the Year by the National Adoption Foundation and Beth O'Malley MEd, adoptee and author of bestselling
"Lifebooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child" will be at Newtonville Books on May 29, 2002.

September 14th
HOLT International Family Gathering
New Jersey (?)

October 5 & 6th 2002
Adoption LifeBook Workshops
Children’s Bridge Toronto, Canada
Contact Heather Wood-Bennett 905 839-4705 for details

November 1-3 2002
Break Through Live
San Diego, California

LifeBooks And More:

One Adoptee’s Journey: Putting the Pieces Together
Beth’s passion is adoption lifebooks. Workshop participants--plan to begin with lifebook ABC’s. Then listen to Beth’s adoption journey ---into the world of lost kids, lonely highways---and back again. Feel in your gut, the impact of information, or lack of, for one adoptee. Leave, knowing that things will be different for your child.

Ms. Susan Harris is also available as a keynote speaker through Adoption-Works. She has spoken at many conferences nationwide. Her latest piece The Harris Theory of Identity is considered by many to be her best!!

Call 1 800 469-9666 for scheduling information.


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PO Box 520178
Winthrop, Ma. 02152

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