No time for a complete lifebook? Create your own folder!

    ---OK. Next best thing is collecting information. Grab a folder and fill it with notes, reports etc. Let the child or future family sort it out.  Only hand it to a responsible adult

      - - -Is there something only you know? Write it down and pass it on.

      - - -When I close a case I keep my own folder with some basic reports, photos etc regardless of the goal. Also included are my handwritten notes.

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Contact Info:

Beth O'Malley
PO Box 520178
Winthrop, MA 02152
Fax: 617-846-6718
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Are You Ready for the Day Your Child asks:   "Mommy, did I grow in your tummy?"


Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.