Beth O'Malley's Foster & Adoption Lifebooks

Social Worker Info

Free Worksheet: Basic Life Facts for Kids in Foster Care

Basic Life Facts for Kids in Foster CareThis 2-page lifebook worksheet is a 2-for-1 download. It organizes basic life facts and asks questions that are bubbling inside many foster childrens' minds, i.e. "Is my mother alive?"

My favorite is question #12: "Did my mother name more than one person as a possible father?" This somewhat awkward situation gets normalized simply by being put on paper.

The message behind this lifebook "cheat sheet" is that many kids in foster care have or need the same pieces of information.

Best of all, it’s free. Use it with a child during supervised visits with bio parents, share with foster parents, or hand out as a training tool.

Click here to download the free Basic Life Facts for Kids in Foster Care (pdf format).

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