Asking the Right Questions Can Have Amazing Results!

Children adopted from China have special concerns other children don’t.
Oftentimes, school age, adopted children won't voice their questions
without prompting from loved ones. Whether or not you've already
completed a lifebook for your child, you'll find wonderful benefits in "My
China Workbook." With the help of this school-like format, your child is
doing the writing and creating their own special adoption story. This
creates an energy that leads to asking questions or sharing inner thoughts
they might not otherwise reveal.
This simple, creative tool offers your child:
  • an imaginative and fun outlet to voice their opinions
  • a way to ask hard questions without fear, and
  • an opportunity to understand their life in China before they came
    to your home.

Parents love this adoption workbook because it:
  • makes answering difficult questions very simple,
  • offers examples of loving, caring ways to phrase your answers, and
  • provides language that can be used for your child’s lifebook as well.

Working Together On "Adoption Homework" Brings You Closer

My China Workbook is an interactive way to communicate with your child.
With fill-in-the-blank questions, drawing pages and adoption-related
homework, the two of you can spend true quality time together in a safe
environment to work through any issues that come up.

My China Workbook

Price: $14.95
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