>Date: Tue, 9 May 2006
>Hi Susan,
>Welcome to Beth O'Malley's
>Lifebook Tips Newsletter:
>May 2006
>First issue August 2002,
>readership 4,111
>Not interested?
>Scroll down to the bottom
>and click on un subscribe.
>(aol users, you may need to cut
>and paste links to websites
>    What's in this Issue?
>---Mother Nature Strikes Again
>---It's All happening at the Zoo
>---Real Life
>---Does Your child Like Lobster or Cotton Candy?
>---Cool Reader Tip: Moons
>---May is National Foster Care Month
>    Check out Carrie Craft
>---Beth's Lifebook Shoppe
>---Dogearred Sweepstakes
>---Personal Stuff
>---Personal Stuff Archives: Last chance
>Mother Nature Strikes Again
>There is a lot to be said for
>Mother Nature & everyday life
>when it comes to
>adoption/foster care discussion.
>Don't keep adoption related discussion
>just for minutes before bed,
>or heaven forbid
>waiting for questions.
>Or thinking that
>therapists are the only
>'qualified' people.
>Push yourself to bring up the topic.
>Naturally age related.
>When I see pregnant women
>I'll comment to my 3-year-old
>"Hey look, she's got a baby growing inside her tummy."
>Sometimes my next question is
>"whose tummy did you grow in?"
>She smiles and replies with her birth mother's first name.
>If she was 7 then this wouldn''t work.
>By then I'll have another approach.
>But the foundation will have been laid.
>"Start by doing what's necessary,
>then what's possible,
>and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - -St. Francis of Assisi
>       It's All Happening at the Zoo
>Last week we went to see the new baby gorilla.
>There she was, having breakfast ala Mommy.
>" Oh look, the baby is drinking milk
>from her mommmies boob**ies."
>The lady next to me, looks at her 5 year old
>and politely says, " oh yes, the baby is nursing."
>Spell it out.
>Break it down to the lowest terms you can for kids.
>If you are too simplistic
>then it is much easier to take it up a level.
>By including adoption or birds and bees talk
>in everyday life,
>it helps keep the issues above the surface.
>      Real Life offers great
>        Ed Opportunities
>Adopting again
>or know someone who is?
>A fabulous chance
>for a child to watch the process happen.
>"Hey Kai's getting a baby sister.
>  Her mother is flying back to China
>  to the baby home.
>  Just like we did when you became
>  part of our family."
>  " Maybe she'll show us her first picture?"
>  " Hey let's look at your referral picture."
>I do off the wall stuff sometimes.
>( my poor daughter-)
>My kid's gym teacher is having a baby.
>Asked my daughter "oh is the baby staying with her
>or going to a another family or baby home?"
>" Staying with her."
>" Do most babies stay with their first family?"
>  She nods yes.
>Go with what works for you
>but always be checking to see what is going on in their little minds.
>More talk means less anxiety.
>Less for you
>Less for them.
>Some stuff takes years to be OK with.
>I want my daugther to
>have less emotional pain. period.
>      Does Your Child Like Lobster or Cotton Candy?
>Remember when you were a kid?
>How foreign grown up taste was-
>especially when it came to food or dress?
>Grown ups wanted things to match.
>and they didn't appreciate the taste of cotton candy.
>Or want to watch 100 reruns of Dora
>What was the matter with them?
>OK The same stuff applies to lifebook supplies.
>You may like attractive,
>culturally appropriate albums.
>Stickers in Chinese or Russian.
>Really attractive artwork translated into paper....
>Why would a 6 year old want the same thing
>as you?
>I admit I get carried away myself when I shop
>for lifebook goodies
>end up with stuff that has meaning for me
>but not the same for my little one.
>As a social worker
>I have a large box filled with all sorts of
>papers, stickers etc
>so kids can select what they like.
>It always reminds me of how different their taste is
>than mine.
>So remember,
>this album is for your child.
>Let them have yea or nay over whatever they can.
>Bite the bullet if they want Barbie stickers.
>Control control control.....
>              Cool Reader Tip
>My first time hearing this suggestion. Thanks
>         May is National Foster Care Month
>         Special thanks to all who help
>          change foster kids' lives
>      Prizes to the first, third, and 10th foster parent
>      who email me.
>      Your choice of either:
>      My Foster Care Journey
>      or
>      For When I'm Famous
>      A subscription for Fostering Families Today Magazine
>         https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?vXkLqVhDT8qyByYXzP3wxw
>      to the 7th social worker or foster parent
>      who emails me.
>      And my latest discovery is Carrie Craft's
>      weekly articles  and goodies:
>      Everyone's a winner because it's free for all.
>      Practical, genuine, and knows what she talks about!
>          https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?7YQ_bxHvKyDDLPD8YnpAiw
>        Sign up here: https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?CqnQBBZ7eFGRVETwyktb6g
>                 ____________________
>                 Beth's Books/Reports
>                 ____________________
>     Adopted a toddler or younger?
>     Don't forget about those $7 special Reports
>     https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?qbGTWe7mTe2BF2oZmj2CNw
>     Need help getting started? You're not alone.
>     Try my time honored guide:
>     https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?stmqfxPAVVqGIvvme3_xfg
>     Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child $14.95
>      https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?CTguHSsDOuL9fQsnkGm45A
>     My China Lifebook: A workbook for older kids (5-9)
>     from China $13.95
>     https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?qReL0joz2egTjqUSVAznOg
>     For When I'm Famous: A Teen Foster Lifebook $11.95
>     Fun, easy, and works  well for the teen
>     who hates to write or do work.
>     Space for 14 moves!
>    https://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?7Y1omXWtqdox2OWX.PH0gQ'm_famous.htm
>     My Foster Care Journey $9.95
>     New and Improved
>     Designed for non verbal kids
>     or kids with lots of ?????
>     Room for at least 5 placements
>  Prices on the foster care books going up
>  before 6/30/06  don't wait to purchase them.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>           Dog Earred Sweepstakes Prizes
>                  for May 2006
>  Lifebook: Creating a Treasure
>   (dogearred copies)
>---Kelly Lupica
>---Anne G. Scott
>---Laurie Powell
>You'll need to email me for your prize.
>include your snail mail address.
>       Charlotte, North Carolina
>       Lifebook workshop has been rescheduled
>       Fall 2005 details to follow
> ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>      Personal Stuff May 2006
>I don't write much
>about potty training.
>Probably because it is taking a long time.
>But I get such a kick out of
>potty language.
>Going to the bathroomroom is no longer a verb.
>To pee is to 'have pees'.
>Polina announces that her pees
>'don't want to come out'
>Actually it's those d*amn poops.
>When I got stuck in Atlanta for 3 nights
>potty training came to a grinding halt.
>Never did I ever think that
>the sound of pees
>would be exciting.
>Once again,
>as a waiting parent
>I never knew what would be in store. smile.
>I do worry.
>What if I have the only kid who's not potty trained?
>Great. She has a lifebook but....
>It does come back to control.
>Having control.
>Losing control.
>Needing control.
>June is my birthday month.
>If you haven't signed up for the
>dogged earred sweepstakes
>in the last year--hit reply.
>I try to have extra cool prizes.
>Put dogearred sweepstakes
>in the subject line.
>Take Care Beth
>           Personal Stuff Archives
>             Read Now or Never
>        I'm changing my mind on trying to
>        stay organized with these 'archives.
>        I'll keep them posted this month and next---
>        then poof. delete.
>For 2003 archives: starting with my journey into motherhood
>click here:
>2004: Personal Stuff archives
>click here:
>working on it...
>2006: Personal Stuff archives
>If someone forwarded this newsletter to you
>and you wish to subscribe--
>please sign up at www.adoptionlifebooks.com
>You are receiving this email because
>you signed up for Beth's lifebook tips.
>To unsubscribe, scroll to the bottom.
>These tips brought to you by
>Beth O'Malley, M.Ed.
>Author of Lifebooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child
>Adoption-Works: Helping you create Lifebooks for your child
>Beth O'Malley
>PO Box 520178
>Winthrop, MA 02152
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Contact Info:

Beth O'Malley
PO Box 520178
Winthrop, MA 02152
Fax: 617-846-6718
To order by phone call:

Email: lifebooks@earthlink.net

Website edits by:


Are You Ready for the Day Your Child asks:   "Mommy, did I grow in your tummy?"


Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.