How to Create Your Child's
Personalized Adoption Lifebook

Are you an adoptive parent? Thinking about adoption?

Then you need to know about adoption lifebooks.

You have several choices----

A.              fill in the blank, pre-fab memory books

B.               traditional baby books

C.               or making an adoption lifebook 

the old fashioned way---doing it yourself!

I vote for C

Here’s why.

Doesn’t your child deserve every opportunity there is for a better life?

Don’t you want to be able to really know what he/she is thinking about? Their inner questions?

Isn’t attachment your primary goal? Cuddling, bonding, and feeling connected with words as well?

Adoption lifebooks  will help you and your family achieve these goals.

It’s time to make time.

Learn how.

And just do it.

I’m going to help you.

I’ve worked with hundreds of families


I’ve made countless lifebooks with adopted and foster children.

Lifebooks work. See for yourself.

Go back to the home page and sign up for the

Email Lifebook Tips 

Get started today.

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PO Box 520178
Winthrop, Ma. 02152

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Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.