$13.95 Newly Revised - A step by step guide for adoptive families, social workers and therapists who want to create a child's LifeBook. Suitable for international, domestic or foster care. 55 pages,  illustrated throughout. Order Online Securely Now.

Warmly written and thoughtfully presented, it walks you page-by-page through each page of your lifebook. Includes:

A LifeBook is the best gift

500 words for adoption

What makes a lifebook priceless

Little known lifebook facts

Roadblocks to lifebooks

Triple AAA for lifebooks

Writing suggestions

Lifebook example pages

Foster parents giving childhood memories

Older children adopted as infants

Always make copies of the lifebook

Don't wait for questions

Plus, it also includes sensitive advice on dealing with private information meant for your child's eyes only.


Suitable for domestic and international adoptive families

8-1/2" x 11", 55 pages and perfect-bound

Illustrated throughout with images and art

COST: $13.95 per copy (plus applicable sales tax and shipping/handling)

Book Description
An easy to follow guide for adoptive parents, social workers,and foster parents who want to write a lifebook for an adopted child. The book is filled with actual page examples and suggestions for difficult subject matter. It includes creative ways to deal with "getting stuck" when approaching LifeBooks. Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao's comments are especially helpful. Suitable for international, domestic, and foster care situations.

About the Author

Ms. Beth O'Malley is both an adoptee and seasoned adoption worker.She spent her first five months in foster care. She believes these experiences enhance her approach to LifeBooks.By day, Ms. O'Malley helps to create families. In her spare time she helps families to create LifeBooks.


Reviewer:  Joyce Kelly- Boston, MA, August 12,2000
" Loved it.Easy to read and funny. My daugther finally has a LifeBook."

It's about time! Wonderful book!, August 5, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from Malden, MA United States

I find this book very helpful and easy to read. It is a wonderful tool to use with the children, as well as, the perspective parents. As an adoption social worker, I find this very useful and relieved that there is finally current information to be able to do something with the children that is so important. An easy read. Beth O'Malley's sense of humor is wonderful and the way she writes it makes you want to go and do it.

This Book is a Gift!, July 26, 2000
Reviewer: Dr.Joyce Maguire Pavao CEO Center for Family Connections from Cambridge, Massachusetts

" LifeBooks have been used in public adoptions for quite a while but it is a gift for us that Beth O'Malley- an adoptee and adoption social worker- has taken the challenge of helping ALL families to give their children and them selves a container that will help to hold the past and weave the child's past into his or her present and that of new families. Beth is the best one for this task as her sensitivity, wisdom, and creativity bring depth of perception and clearness of vision to the difficult task of telling hard but true strories to children. This books and its accoutrements are a gift for adoptive and birth families and for professionals( therapists, social workers, adoption agencies, and attorneys) Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao, CEO Center for Family Connections, Cambridge and New York 2/27/00

An absolute must!, July 20, 2000
Reviewer: Carolyn E. Smith from Boston, MA United States

Beth O'Malley's LifeBooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child is a pure joy to read. Vital information is presented in a touching and personal manner that makes you feel as if Beth is right there with you, guiding you through the process. You will see that a LifeBook can have an immeasurable, positive impact on a child's identity, self-esteem and perception of family. Particularly for a child who is removed from birth family due to neglect or abuse, a LifeBook can help the child come to peace with their past and provides a solid foundation for them to look towards the future. I believe Beth's book is essential reading for everyone involved in adoption and foster care.

Carolyn E. Smith, Executive Director, Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange

Finally, help to write a lifebook!, July 14, 2000
Reviewer: M. Smith from New York

As an adoptive parent, I applaud Beth O'Malley for helping take what can feel like a daunting task and making it very possible. She provides simple direct quidance that helps interject charm, sensitivity and warm stories about your child and their personality into their life story - assuring that your child will love having a book of their very own life. I am confident it is something that my daughter will always treasure. I have recommended it to all the other adoptive parents that I know!

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