The Story Behind
The doggearred sweepstakes

The Dog Earred Sweepstakes began by accident this past July 2003. I had a run of bad luck with damaged books.
What should I do with a bunch of books with bent corners?
Ta Da . We’ll have a raffle.

Members of my mailing list were invited to submit their names for the drawing. If you haven’t done this---email me at
(Put dog earred sweepstakes in the subject line)

Lots of people responded. I saved all the entries in a laundry basket.
Asked dear husband (DH) to capture this moment on film—and drew two winners. Here is that photo:

 dog-earred-photo 001.jpg (36442 bytes)
Beth O’Malley draws winner for Dog Earred Sweepstakes

It occurred to me that other small adoption businesses might like to be sponsors—and donate prizes. Which turns out to be the case.

Ready to be a winner?

RULES L yuck rules:

1. Winners are announced each month.  You must email me to claim your prize.

2. I keep all the entries so you only have to submit once.

3. Sometimes I will have a specialized drawing, and will announce who it is for. i.e social workers, waiting parents etc.

4.      Overall, nothing fancy but lots of fun.

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