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Adoption Lifebook Work Shops

Do you want to get a jumpstart on making your child's adoption lifebook?
Call me. 1-800-469-9666 (Boston time)

I have helped hundreds of adoptive parents-and professionals all over the country get started and finish their child's adoption lifebook.

Take advantage of my 20 years of social work experience
Combine it with my adoptee instincts
And then add my recent experience as an adoptive Mom.

Workshop participants learn
� step-by step instructions,
� view examples of actual adoption LifeBooks,
� gain experience writing
� discuss difficult circumstances

Your session ends with my personal story. This helps the information move from your head into your heart. Everyone leaves inspired.


2008 Lifebook Workshops

June 26-28, 2008
Attachment and Trauma Network 2008
Parenting Traumatized Children Conference & Retreat
The Franciscan Center, Andover MA

Sat. June 28, 10:45-12:15
Lifebooks Workshop with Beth O'Malley
The Franciscan Center, Andover MA


2007 Lifebook Workshops

April 14th 2007
STARS (Sharing Transracial Adoption Resources and Support)
open to non members
Lancaster, Pennsylvania


Click here to see Beth's previous Workshops


Beth O’Malley M.Ed  has worked with children and families in the foster care system for 21 years. Beth, an adoptee and adoptive mom, is the author of My Foster Care Journey, and For When I’m Famous: A Teen Fost/Adopt Lifebook ( call 1 800- 469-9666 to learn more about the books) or visit Beth’s website at

Interested in having Beth come and speak for your support group or agency?
Call 1-800–469-9666 and speak with Beth directly.

What people are saying:


"Thank you so much for a wonderful workshop!  I already received an eamil from someone saying how inspiring she found it.  You helped cover putting some of the hard stuff into words.  Mostly by just doing it, being clear and simple, and not avoiding facts.  Also, I like how you ended sharing your personal story."  Cissy 10/04

"This was an excellent workshop. I wish my husband would have attended, also. Much more info is provided than just how to do a lifebook. Beth provided insight into the feelings of an adopted chidl."
Lisa Ehlert, almost a new Mom, Ohio 1/18/03.

“Your workshop was without a doubt the best I'd been to about presenting adoption issues - even if it did scare the hell out of me.”
Carol Culbreath, President of Washington DC Families with Children from China March 2002

“ Powerful and helpful” Open Door Conference 2001

“ I’ve seen other lifebook trainings and this was the best”

“Keep telling your story--- it will help many children”

“Hearing her personal story made it ‘real’ how important lifebooks are”

“ Just wish we could have stayed longer”

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Contact Info:

Beth O'Malley
PO Box 520178
Winthrop, MA 02152
Fax: 617-846-6718
To order by phone call:


Website edits by:


Are You Ready for the Day Your Child asks:   "Mommy, did I grow in your tummy?"


Adoption lifebooks - sign up for free tips.  Beth O'Malley helping families create adoption lifebooks.